Concrete River, a powerful new film that centers on the life of an unhoused individual trying to reconnect with his estranged daughter. It explores the human stories behind homelessness and the urgent need for resources, advocacy, and compassion.


I gotta roof now. But it’d be good to have four walls around it.”


Maris Lidaka


Kevin Perry


Chris Hall


We’re looking to connect with partners about the following:


How can we work together to use the film as a resource for your mission and community engagement?

Screenings & Fundraising:

We’d be honored to collaborate on private screenings, where the film can be a centerpiece for fundraising and advocacy events.

Interviews & Storytelling:

Your insights and experiences in serving the unhoused community are invaluable. We’d love to feature your organization in interviews and discussions surrounding the film’s themes.

Coalition Building:

By working together, we can create a coalition of organizations and individuals focused on bringing attention to the homelessness crisis and generating real change.

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